Why Should You Consider Invisalign?
January 8, 2021Everyone loves a beautiful smile. With Invisalign, you can ditch traditional metal braces for this natural-looking alternative. Invisalign works by using a series of clear aligners that are custom-made and designed to progressively shift your teeth into proper alignment. Because each aligner is specially made for your bite and smile, you can be assured that Invisalign will be creating a smile that truly fits you.
More Efficient Than Braces
Because of advanced technology in the Invisalign system, treatments with this particular method have work 50% faster than all other previous methods of straightening one’s teeth.
They Are Convenient
Invisalign is convenient and easy to use. You will be able to remove the trays when you eat, drink, or brush your teeth. This will provide you with an ability to easily clean your trays and will most likely allow you to not have to see the Dentist as often because there are far greater complications when it comes to braces than there are with Invisalign. We definitely recommend still visiting your Dentist on your regular check-up appointments though.
They Are Comfortable
Along with other benefits to Invisalign, the most important one would definitely be that they are comfortable. The Invisalign trays are a better fit for your individual teeth, and you don’t feel like they are rubbing up against your lips like people tend to notice with their braces. Along with comfort, they are also clear and less noticeable, which is great for someone wanting their transition to be as smooth and unnoticeable as possibly.
Cleaning Them Is Simple
Another great benefit of the removable aligners is that they are easy to clean and maintain. You will be able to continue flossing and brushing your teeth to prevent tooth decay or plaque build-up because you can simply pop your aligners out and replace them once you are finished. Unlikely braces, this will ensure that your teeth are remaining clean and won’t have any spots on them like others see from the metal squares on their teeth from their braces.
They Are Affordable
When looking into cosmetic dentistry adjustments, you may feel like you don’t have the budget for them. Invisalign is great because you will be able to tell right away the amount your insurance will pay for and will also most likely be able to set up a payment plan that works for you. Remember to ask your dentist about your options because a healthy straight smile is definitely worth it.
ADC Dental Group
You will always receive top-notch care when you work with ADC Dental Group’s Team. We care about your needs and want to help you achieve that smile. Straight teeth and a happier you are well on their way! Call us today at (417) 553-9300 to see what options we have available for you.
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