Dental Survival Guide for Summer
July 1, 2020Summertime comes with fun days in the sunshine. But the easy living can sometimes take a major toll on your dental health. To ensure that your summer in Joplin, MO doesn’t leave you searching for a dentist, beware of these 3 culprits that can ruin your smile during the summer months.
The swimming pool
Chlorine from the pool is highly acidic and repeated exposure can weaken and erode your tooth enamel. It’s hard to avoid taking in little pool water when you’re having fun, but take the time to rinse your mouth out with plain water once the fun is over. Another way pools can wreak havoc on your summer fun are the number of dental injuries that occur in or around a pool. Avoid running or playing recklessly in or near the pool. It’s easy to break a tooth or suffer a mouth injury by falling or bumping into the concrete or another person.Snacking
Fun snacks by the pool or on a road trip are nice, but don’t forget to brush and floss if you want to avoid cavities. Sugarless gum can help to curb your snacking habit while also neutralizing the acids from your snacks.Missed dental appointments
Don’t skip your dental appointments because of vacations or other summer activities. A summer dental checkup is the best way to ensure that the other culprits aren’t harming your smile. For more information on keeping your smile shining throughout the summer, contact the best dentist in Joplin, MO today!Categorised in: Uncategorized