4 Dental Tips For The Winter Season
December 7, 20201. Drink Plenty Of Fluids
While many would assume that the hot months are the most important time to stay hydrated, the colder months are actually just as important. Remember that when you turn the heat on in your home, it becomes easier for air to dry out and cause your mouth to noticeably become dryer as well. We recommend you drink plenty of water to help keep moisture in your mouth as well as reduce the bacteria from hanging around inside. Interestingly enough, you will also be preventing cavities from developing as well because the fluoride in water has to remove unwanted bacteria.
2. Change Your Brushing Habits
It is important that you brush your teeth softly during the winter, especially if you have sensitive teeth. Perhaps, you may consider switching to a softer bristle toothbrush and continue being extra cautious of your gums at this time. If your teeth are really sensitive, we recommend that you also switch to a toothpaste that helps reduce sensitivity.
3. Limit Your Hot Chocolate In-take
As the weather gets colder, your first instinct may be to cozy up next to the fire with a big mug of hot chocolate. Although this is okay every once in a while, you won’t want to make it a daily habit. Hot chocolate contains a lot of added sugar that will cause tooth decay if you don’t probably take care of your teeth. To prevent cavities from occurring, we recommend opting for a sugar-free version. If you want to still enjoy the taste of regular hot chocolate, switch to adding milk instead of water. This will allow your teeth to get some calcium that they need in order to stay strong.
4. Personal Hygiene
Avoid spreading germs over the holiday season. This is crucial now more than ever before. We want to remind you to wash your hands. Cold sores and other mouth sores tend to flare up during the colder months and the chilly breeze outside can cause them to be more painful than normal. The winter flu is also right around the corner as well. We want you to avoid both by remembering to always wash your hands and disinfect your home. This will lessen your chances of getting sick over the holiday break.
Schedule Your Dental Appointment
For more information on keeping your smile shining throughout the winter, please contact the best dentist in Joplin, MO today at (417) 553-9300.Categorised in: Uncategorized